About Lauren

I'm a southern mom with a love for fashion, twinning with my girls and a sweet tooth for a cafe latte. 
Nice to e-meet y'all I'm Lauren, or as I'm most commonly called Mommy. 

I'm a Florida girl, born and raised, Go Gators! Attended the University of Florida for college and studied advertising, journalism and accounting, what a mixture right? Met my husband my junior year in college, whom is a Seminole.. go figure opposites attract. Got married in 2013, moved a little South of my hometown, enjoyed newlywed life for a few months and then got pregnant with Charlotte. Celebrated our 1st Anniversary with an one week old, and came home from the hospital the night prior. I stepped away from working in my family's business when I was six months pregnant with Caroline. Having two under two, I needed an outlet that felt like mine, and "For The Love of Matching," was born (established in 2017). 

In this tiny corner, you’ll find a little bit of everything, lifestyle as a family of four, sharing pieces of travel, newfound diy of all the things, fashion (mom/mini matching) and so much more. I look forward to getting to know you all, have conversations and share this journey. Thank you for stopping by and be sure to follow this blog page.


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