Citrus Groves in Florida

Florida is known for the states various appeal of beaches, football, sunshine and Disney World, however, today I am going to cover the orange a-peel (get it?)...all things CITRUS!
Pictured below: Valencia Oranges

A little background, for those that are new around here, I was born and raised in the State of Florida. True Floridian right here y'all. I have always wanted to visit a Citrus Grove, and unbeknownst to me I had been looking for one in the offseason. Oranges, thrive in the winter, who knew?
Last year, the girls and I ventured to almost any and every u-pick fruit near us. blueberries. strawberries. peaches. we are huge fruit foodies, especially my littlest.   
Now back to our adventure to the Citrus Grove, The Showcase of Citrus, located just outside the small town of Clermont. Tip: if y'all are planning to visit, wear comfortable shoes, or boots that will cover your feet. If bringing children plan on walking a lot and getting dirty. You never know what you will see/encounter while in nature. They do have crate like wagons, which were super handy toting along three toddlers, gave this momma a workout pulling them around.
 While venturing through the various groves we came across the following citrus: Valencia Oranges, Pineapple Oranges, Honey Tangerines, Kumquat, Myer Lemons, and much more that I cant recall the names. It was so neat to see so much citrus, just 12 miles from our house. The girls loved getting in and out of the wagon to pick the "BESTEST," fruit! Charlotte, my oldest filled our 5lb. bag rather quickly with a variety of types. Some put her on her bottom trying to wrangle them off the tree. Plan on bringing home some dirt, leaves & branches as additional souvenir's, ha.

All citrus aside the grove also has various animals to see and pet, monster truck tours, country store, playground, gem mine, and wine tastings. We spent almost three hours touring, picking and then enjoying some citrus afterwards. If you have been to Disney and love to enjoy a Dole Whip, it is a must you try the Orange Creamsicle treat at the Grove, it is aaahhhhhhmazing. Even in the 50 degree temps we all enjoyed our own.  

A few other things to keep in mind - they have three different sized bags you can purchase to fill. Ranging in price for $11 - $30 depending on how much citrus you plan to bring home with you. Did you know the trees lemons fall from smell just like gardenias? The aroma coming from them was breathtaking, I wanted to bottle it up and make some perfume.
 I hope this inspires y'all to get outdoors this season with your family and children and make sweet memories. We sure did and will add this to our list of musts each year. Being out in nature is always good for the soul.
Lastly, you can shop this post below. xoxo, Lauren


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