The last day of July, must mean Fall is on its way, who agrees? Summer, has felt like a never ending season that started in March. I typically love the Summer and don't want to see it go, but this year, the year of 2020, I am ready for a change and something to give me the warm and fuzzies. Fall, is a time for pumpkin spice lattes, sweater weather (even if it's 90 degrees outside in Florida), feeling cozy and enjoying all the festivals this time of year brings. It might be a bit different in the outside world we once knew, but one thing that remains is that feeling you get while wearing your comfy lounge wear paired with the coziest slippers for you and your little cubs.
If you have been following along for a bit, you might remember last year the girls and I shared blush sherpa slippers, so cozy and the girls have currently outgrown them. It was time for a new pair for even more snuggles.
Last years post, click here.
Mama Bear: size large (Women's shoe size 9-10)
Lil Bear on Charlotte: 11-12
Lil Bear on Caroline: 9-10
Are you looking for slippers for the entire family? If you answered yes, the bear series is it. Slippers start in size 0-3 months all the way up to a Men's extra large (size 14). I love the plaid for the holidays, take a look here.
Leopard has always been a fashion trend for the Fall, so why not add it to your wardrobe with something that is going to make you feel like you are walking in the clouds? To get you and your little cubs excited for Fall I've put together a snack tray that's fun and easy to create together.
What you will need:
Thin Size Reese's
Brown Reese's Pieces or M&M's
White or Chocolate Melting Wafers
Candy Eyes
Mini Vanilla Wafers
Mini Nutter Butters
Circular Cookie Cutter
Extra Snacks: Organic Honey Jar, Teddy Grahams and Honey Comb Cereal
Step by Step Guide:
Sort all ingredients that you will need for the quantity of bear faces you wish to make.
Twist off Nutter Butter tops, setting aside the cookie with peanut butter on it.
Using an edge of the cookie cutter, shape the vanilla wafer into an ear.
Melt wafers at 50% power (follow instructions on package.)
Line up all of the bases for the bears face (Reese's Thins).
Add the melted wafers mixture to the back of the nutter butter, place on bear's face.
Repeat above for the brown M&M, eyes, and ears.
Hint: add a good amount of melted chocolate to the edge of the ears so they attach to the Reese's Thins.
Once all are assembled place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Enjoy with your little bear cubs.
Might I add, the girls followed my direction as I assembled mine and finished the rest of them, goodness were they ever so proud of their tasty treat they made.
I'll leave you to gather these ingredients, order some Dearfoams (free shipping on orders $45 or more) and make memories with your family.
Thanks for stopping bye. xo, Lauren
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