Teacher Appreciation Week is quickly approaching for the end of the school year, Monday May 2nd - Friday, May 6th (some school systems dates might vary). I am planning ahead especially since we have a busy calendar with lots in the works for the month of April, more on all of that soon. I have partnered with OOLY to help you craft something for those unique teachers in your child’s life.
OOLY Pastel Hue Colored Pencils
White Card-stock
Paper Carton
Paper Shreds
Misc. Items - candy and gift card
1. Begin with the pastel hue colored pencils, sticky note tabs and card stock. Cut the card stock into a tag, any shape or size will do, let your children decide.
2. Let your children write on the tags, our saying was “Teacher you (color) my world with sweetness.” We wanted to incorporate the sticky tabs to replace the word “color,” on the tag. We glued the crayon sticky tabs on the tag first then used colored pencils to write the saying in different colors.
3. Add some paper shreds to a carton/bin and you are ready to start assembling. I love the macaron erasers for a teacher and they tie back to the “sweetness,” que in the tag reference.
4. For each teacher we gave them a set of pastel colored pencils, erasers, a personalized tag, chocolate rose and gift card to get a fave drink on us. Look through the OOLY website and see what theme catches your attention to create something with your children.
5. To keep tidy you can enclose with cellophane and a bow.
Generalisability of the findings is limited due to the of} small, purposive interview samples that have been self-selecting and predominantly male, and data saturation might not have been achieved. Larger samples might present more certainty of knowledge saturation, and identify further themes, views, experiences 로스트아크 and feedback. The imply age of the 2 teams differed, resulting in a potential age bias between the sub-samples. The non-treatment-seeking group was significantly older, due to the of} inclusion criteria for these participants to have gambled on-line for around 10 years. The use of different interviewers for the 2 sub-samples might have impacted the outcomes.